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I am Tian Yuan, also Tim, trained as a Ship and Ocean Engineer in undergraduate and master studies, and  Biomathematician & Biomedical Engineer in PhD. I am now a postdoc researcher in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London. 


I am keen to understand nature and solve real-world problems through mathematical modelling and experimental observations. I am currently a member of the LOCATE project funded by MRC and I am working on understanding the fluid-cell and fluid-tissue interactions in the brain and tumours (in the context of e.g. drug delivery) using computational modelling, high-resolution imaging, and ex vivo experiments. 

New Award!
06/06/2024: I have been awarded the Best Doctoral Thesis in Biomechanics Award 2024 by European Society of Biomechanics! I have been invited to give my first Plenary Talk in the ESB congress in Edinburgh on 2nd July!
        "The Best Doctoral Thesis in Biomechanics recognizes the development of an outstanding doctoral final thesis that has contributed to the advancement of the theory and/or applications of Biomechanics and/or mechanobiology."

Officially Dr Yuan! ✿✿ヽ(°▽°)ノ✿
01/01/2024: I have received my Certificate and am now officially Dr Yuan! 

27/11/2023: I have finished the fantastic journey of PhD and passed my viva! Thsis title: A Mathematical Framework for Mechanically Controlled Brain Drug Delivery.
Extremly grateful for the amazing supervision and  tremendous support from my supervisor Prof. Daniele Dini. A big thank you to Prof. Ferdinando Rodriguez y Baena and Prof. Gerhard A. Holzapfel for being my examiners and super valuabale suggestions on my research and career development! 

New Paper!
16/11/2023: My research paper entitled "Porosity-permeability tensor relationship of closely and randomly packed fibrous biomaterials and biological tissues: Application to the brain white matter" has been published on Acta Biomaterialia. See the details in my Publication Gallery by clicking 

New Talk!

28/09/2023: I will give a talk about my research on modelling brain-device interfaces at the 9th International Tribology Conference (ITC) in Fukuoka, Japan!

New Award!
06/09/2023: I have been awarded the Dr. Ashraf Ben El-Shanawany Memorial Prize for the best current PhD researcher in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London!

New Award!
17/05/2023: I have been awarded the Great Britain-China Educational Trust Award for the excellence in my PhD research!

New Talk!
05/05/2023: My submission has been selected as 1 of the 12 talks on the Thomas Young Centre Postgraduate Student Day on 25th May. I am going to present the whole mathematical model for brain drug delivery that has been built during the 3.5 years of my PhD!

New Paper! 
01/04/2023: My research paper entitled "Linking fluid-axons interactions to the macroscopic fluid transport properties of the brain" has been published on Acta Biomaterialia. See the details in my Publication Gallery by clicking here


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